15 Online Networking Groups for Small Businesses UK

Whether you’re a seasoned networker or the whole idea seems daunting; online networking has a valuable place in a remote world. We explore some of the best online networking groups for small business owners.

Meeow is a platform that allows small business owners and professionals to find an online networking event that aligns with them. With multiple daily events running through the platform, you can grow your business network quickly and effectively, reaching the people you need. Meeow doesn’t charge a subscription or for events on their platform. You can find a Meeow Event to suit you here.

IWant2Network is a premium networking group that offers 4 online networking groups and 2 London-based networking events. IWant2Network is designed for UK-based entrepreneurs and professionals and offers various monthly dates for online networking. There is a membership requirement that starts at £299+VAT which gives you access to their networking events, however, your first two events are free. You can find a IWant2Network Event here.

Busy Women Networking run a monthly online event for UK based Female Business Owners, that falls 12pm-2pm on every second Tuesday of the month. There are also various regional in-person networking events if you’re after a mix of online networking and in-person. Sessions cost £12 per session, or a yearly membership can be obtained through their website. You can find BWN events here.

Business Breaktime run an online community for small business owners, freelancers and remote working professionals. You are required to create a free account, which gives you access free events and discounts on others. There are targeted events, guest speakers and activities. You can sign up to Business Breaktime and find their events here.

Small Business Vibes is an online community for female Small Business Owners. They describe their sessions as fun, relaxed and non-competitive. They are a group that runs primarily through Facebook, however their monthly events are bookable through eventbrite. Sessions are £10 per session and follow an agenda that includes breakout rooms for valuable conversation. You can find a Small Business Vibe session here.

Simply Business Club runs online networking 3 times per week with breakfast, elevenses, and lunchtime meetings available. They offer affordable PAYG and subscription services meaning that UK based small business owners can meet with others regularly to extend their network. Online Business Club prides themselves on a restriction free networking system. You can find Simply Business Club session here.

Zoco Networking offer a networking community for those who work alone such as small business owners. They offer 12+ online networking opportunities per month, alongside a handful of in-person networking events across the UK. They run on a membership basis which costs £22 per month, however PAYG options for online networking are available. Find out more about Zoco Networking and book an event here.

BusComm is an online network for small business owners across the world, which is a great opportunity to expand your network globally. They offer 3 online meetings per month, and your first meeting is free. They offer sessions at £6 on a PAYG session or a membership that offers additional member benefits such as mentorship, 1-2-1’s and workshops. Find a BusComm event here.

We Are In Business hold an online networking event every other Tuesday for small business owners. Their sessions include a keynote speaker around specifics issues for small businesses and employees. They offer both PAYG sessions (£10) or monthly membership options that cover extras such as member directory. Find your next find a We Are In Business event here.

The Marketing MeetUp provide several networking opportunities, including online networking events throughout the year. These sessions include keynote speakers from the marketing community and are perfect for marketing professionals and small businesses handling their own marketing activities. Find a Marketing MeetUp event here.

ONLE Networking offers an online community for small business owners, and unlike other online networking opportunities, ONLE operate regionally as opposed to nationally; allowing small business owners to network in the areas that are beneficial to their business. As with many other online networking opportunities, ONLE offer a PAYG (£10) option or membership options for businesses. Find a ONLE Networking Event here.

Peppercorn Biz are a community whereby small business owners can use online networking to create and sustain valuable relationships to further and grow your business. Peppercorn runs on a monthly membership cost of £10 that gives you weekly networking events that are managed by hosts, this allows you to connect with a variety of other businesses across the UK. Find a Peppercorn Biz event here.

Federation for Small Business (FSB) are a members only one stop shop for everything that is needed by small business owners. Within their membership sits multiple online networking opportunities that are national, regional and local in order for you to connect with the most valuable audience for your business. Find out more about FSB and their online networking opportunities here.

The Cobra Club is a community that focuses on helping small businesses grow through the power of connection. They hold a range of online networking opportunities that span from open networking, to watercooler chats and focused events around problematic areas of business. The Cobra club offer both Free and Premium membership options, where the Premium option gives you access to over 100 online networking opportunities. Find out a Cobra Club Event here.

KuKu Connect provide “power hour” online networking, a session that can fit into the busy life of a small business owner. Their monthly online sessions are named “KuKu Quickie” and cost £10 for non-members (free for members). They promise concise networking with a follow up sharing of businesses to connect you with valuable members post event. You can find tickets for KuKu Quickies here.


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