Creating Videos For An International Audience: How To Get Noticed

Expanding your business ventures is tricky. No matter what aspect of your company you intend to extend, various factors need consideration. From the more significant factors to the smaller details, as an entrepreneur, you are likely combing through these details with a fine-tooth comb.

Particularly if you intend to expand your business into the international sector, you should expect to face a whole new assortment of obstacles. Expanding into the international markets means that you have an entirely new market and audience to target but goes beyond this too. While it is undoubtedly an exciting prospect for businesses big and small, it is also worth noting that it might require a whole new business model. None more so, than when marketing and advertising your business to this international audience.

Should you be in the position where you are expanding your business in the coming months and weeks, you might be wondering how best to create a marketing strategy for an international audience. More specifically, you might find yourself wondering how best to get yourself noticed when using marketing videos for your advertising efforts. If you are in this position, read on to discover our top tips on how to get noticed through this medium.


Think About Languages

While this might seem like a somewhat obvious suggestion, it is worth mentioning in this piece all the same. Thinking about the languages in which you are presenting your videos is critical and could make the difference in whether your marketing strategies take off or not. Releasing your videos in one language is shooting yourself in the foot; you are completely isolating yourself from international markets and audiences, which you want to avoid in your video creation efforts.

Now, this is not to say that you must create hundreds of videos in different languages. This is something that would be time-consuming and costly at the best of times. Instead, you should think about how useful subtitles can be and utilise subtitle translation within your videos. Enlisting the services of a professional translation service will ensure that your videos are accurate and that the information you are putting out there is correct in all languages you opt for.

Including subtitles in your videos is ultimately useful when wanting to translate what you are saying in your mother tongue, into different languages. That being the case, though, it is not merely useful for just this, and can extend to being inclusive to those who are hard of hearing. With this in mind, this leads us to the following section.


Be Inclusive Of All

Being accepting and inclusive of others is something we are taught from a young age and is something that should be adopted when marketing your company in some way or another. Thinking about how to be as inclusive as possible when creating your video is important and will certainly get you noticed in more ways than one. Including various demographics and target audiences will gain you the reputation of a business that cares and one that takes others into consideration when making business decisions.

Relating to the creation of your video, you should think about the colour schemes you are using and how they would present themselves to those who are colour-blind. On the other hand, and as mentioned briefly previously, you should think about how to be inclusive to those who are deaf and hard of hearing. Having subtitles is one means of doing so, but what about having a sign language friendly version of your videos too? There are various means of being inclusive when creating your videos; trying and testing different methods with focus groups and organisations will help you find what works best for all.


Create Relatable Content

This can be a lot easier said than done, but it is something that you should be thinking about when creating videos for your business. Like other aspects of your marketing strategy, you want to be creating content that your customers can relate to and engage with. This is not to say you have to relate to every single individual, but more the customer base as a collective.

Storytelling is critical when creating videos and is something that customers look for. Merely telling them about your services or products might be viewed as you waving it right under their noses. Taking the time to be creative and tell a story while marketing your products is a much-preferred method and one that is sure to get you noticed the world over. What’s more, most stories are not bound by location or borders; they can traverse the world and be related to by people from all over, which is what you want after all!


Understandably, these are but a handful of the ways to get your videos noticed when creating them for a worldwide audience. That being said, we hope this piece has shed some light on where you should start and what factors you should take into consideration when creating your marketing strategies moving forward. After all, the world is your oyster, so what are you waiting for?


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